Aptamil 2

UGX 135,000

Aptamil 2 is a specially formulated follow-on milk designed to meet the nutritional needs of infants aged 6 to 12 months. This formula is crafted to complement the weaning diet, providing essential nutrients to support the continued growth and development of your baby during this important stage.

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DESCRIPTION: Aptamil 2 is a specially formulated follow-on milk designed to meet the nutritional needs of infants aged 6 to 12 months. This formula is crafted to complement the weaning diet, providing essential nutrients to support the continued growth and development of your baby during this important stage.


  1. Tailored Nutrition: Aptamil 2 is formulated to provide age-appropriate nutrition, offering a balance of proteins, carbohydrates, fats, vitamins, and minerals suited for infants transitioning to a more varied diet.
  2. Iron Enriched: The formula is often enriched with iron, supporting the baby’s cognitive development and overall well-being.
  3. Digestive Comfort: Aptamil 2 is designed to be gentle on the infant’s developing digestive system, promoting easy digestion and absorption.
  4. Immune System Support: Some follow-on formulas may include components that contribute to the development and support of the baby’s immune system.


  • Prepare Aptamil 2 according to the instructions provided on the product packaging.
  • Use the recommended amount of formula powder and water to ensure the correct concentration.
  • Administer the formula as directed by a healthcare professional or based on the infant’s age and weight.


  • Consult with a healthcare provider before introducing any formula to an infant, especially if there are concerns about allergies or digestive sensitivities.
  • Always follow the recommended preparation and feeding guidelines to ensure proper nutrition.


  • Tailored nutrition for infants aged 6 to 12 months
  • Supports continued growth and development
  • Gentle on the developing digestive system
  • May contribute to immune system development

SIDE EFFECTS: Follow-on formulas like Aptamil 2 are generally well-tolerated. However, if any adverse reactions or concerns arise, consult with a healthcare professional.


  • Wash hands thoroughly before preparing formula.
  • Follow the recommended mixing instructions on the product packaging.
  • Feed the prepared formula to the infant using a sterilized bottle and nipple.

WHY CHOOSE APTAMIL 2 FROM ECOPHARM PHARMACY? Aptamil 2, available at Ecopharm Pharmacy, is a trusted choice for parents seeking a reliable and nutritionally balanced follow-on formula for their growing infants. Our commitment to quality ensures that you receive a product that adheres to the highest standards. Explore our online platform for a seamless shopping experience and prioritize your baby’s nutrition with Aptamil 2 from Ecopharm Pharmacy.


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